My meanderings working around the world :)

¡Bienvenidos a mi aventura!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Rice, rice and more rice

4 months in! 

I have been traveling a lot for work- giving workshops and also conducting observations and confrences with each one of my advisees. It has been really great to be able to see in person what is going on in classrooms here and talking directly with teachers. 

AIT hosted a really nice early thanksgiving dinner for all of the ETAs and grantees. 

My Chinese is still non-existent- but Im still trying. I have 2 tutors and a great language exchange partner. 

I really would love to hear from you all- so feel free to send me an email or postcard ;) 

Sun Yet-Sen memorial Hall

Conrwmpary art musuem with ETAs- best exibit ever a room full of yarn to nap in

Standing in a rice field surrounded by mountains- Taitung 


Famous luchbox with special rice

Work colleagues & their families house warming party for Dr. Voke 

Costco- seafood pizza and Mango shaved ice say WHAT! 

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