My meanderings working around the world :)

¡Bienvenidos a mi aventura!

Friday, October 12, 2012

pyramid pics

So after my 5th attempt I think I might have a winner for a photo card reader. YEAH  I just can't wiggle it- at all :) So here are the pictures when I went to go see the pyramids of the sun and the moon and the avenida de los muertos a couple of weeks ago. Where I guess the god of the sun was mad that I climbed his pyramid because he burned me really bad- and I didn't even notice until I got home- ouch. Oh my gringa skin :(
view of pyramid of the sun from the top of the pyramid of the moon

Pyramid of the moon

original Jaguar mural 

Avenida de los muertos with host dad and friend

On top of pyramid of the sun with view of the pyramid of the moon

Pyramid of the sun- where I got really sun burned unknowingly

Me and friend Hilda

Temple of the Feathered Serpent-Quetzalcoatl

Traditional custom where guys climb a giant pole then swing from it upside down

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