I know that it has been forever since I have written, but living in a new place and adjusting to a new life has been a lot to process, and writing is my least favorite way to do so hence the avoidance.
Swearing in was really nice although quite a fast and surreal experience. It was good weather and the embassy was nice. Here's a link about the ceremony

the crew at swearing in

Me and the country director also named Emily!
I know I'm not doing the swearing in justice in the description I have a video of the whole thing that I'm going to try to figure out how to down load on to here maybe in the next post.
Currently the region (Choluteca) I am living in is in big trouble it has been raining for 4 days strait with out stopping, and there is major flooding. Not just roads and rivers buts peoples homes have been completely washed away, people are comparing it on the news to when Hurricane Mitch hit. I'm lucky that I am living in the city so it is not as bad here as it is in more rural communities. But we haven't had water for the last couple of days and the centers where they store water for the city were just washed away, so we spent the day collecting rain water, and hauling it to the pila (big cement storage bin). So we can bathe and wash dishes, clothes etc. The ironic thing is that there is standing water everywhere and yet not the kind of water we need. The upside I finally get to put my cute rain boots and rain pants to use, while we hauled water. Here are some pics of me and the family collecting rain water.

host siblings

water collection

filling the pila
I was supposed to do a hand washing charla for all the kids at the NGO I work for but because of the weather and flooding there are rivers that kids need to cross only about 20 of 250 came. So I'm going to try on Tuesday, god willing.
Besides the current natural disaster, things have been going pretty well. I have been in my introductory weeks so have been observing and been introduced to lots of people, principals, pastors, police, politicians.... I was in a parade walking behind the mayor since one of my counterparts is the superintendent for the entire school district of Choluteca. I felt a bit out of my element walking with all the important political leaders and getting to sit next to the table of honor to watch the parade.
Other noteworthy experiences include trips out to some rural communities to visit schools where we forged a rivers got stuck in the mud and I had to jump up and down in the back of the cab to give it traction to get it unstuck in heels!
I totally lucked out because my host sister does nails and is super professional. Check them out! who would of thought that in would be in peacecorps that I got weekly medi & pedi
The most important thing that I need to tell everyone is how to send me mail. I have a new address here and would love to hear from you via a post card or get small treats from the USA. Remember it helps to write religious sayings in Spanish on the outside of the envelope:
My name
#48 oficina postal
Choluteca, Choluteca
America Central
I'll be looking forward to hearing from you all. Miss you!
Un abrazo fuerte,